Curtain Call - Monthly Open Mic

Come sing with us…Register below

Our monthly cabaret open mic is a great way for singers to put themselves in front of a supportive crowd to gain confidence and learn technique by watching other singers. We are here to create an inclusive community of performers and welcome singers from all genres.

Our open mics are hosted by seasoned performers and established accompanists in the Capital Region. Singers should prepare up to two songs with sheet music in their correct key. Many of our accompanists use an iPad, so digital sheet music may be usable, but please make sure to have physical sheet music if you are unsure which accompanists have digital option.

Open Mic manners

It’s pretty simple, really.  Just follow these guidelines and you’ll be golden!

  • Keep patter/introductions succinct. Cabaret is about storytelling but be mindful of others time. We want everyone to be able to get up and sing.
  • Socialize and converse between – not during – performances. We usually have some time between singers when the next singer speaks with the accompanist.
  • Have sheet music in the correct key in hand before you are called up to sing. If you are using digital music, make sure to ask for the airdrop info when you arrive to save time.
  • Keep instructions to the accompanist brief. Our accompanists are seasoned professionals and love helping our, but they cannot always revise music on sight.
  • Please be kind and stay to listen to your fellow singers. We understand obligations and timings can prevent people from spending all 2 hours but we ask that you try and offer them the same support that they offered you.



There is no cost to the singers directly. Our accompanists are paid by our generous donations.  Singers and audience members are always welcome to donate to Capital Cabaret on the night or using the button below.